Liedtke Bücher

VIP-Liedtke Museum
Pages: 129 / Photos: 39
"Dieter Liedtke is ideology-free positive energy, quintessentially creative and an artwork himself. Leonardo da Vinci has found a successor in him."
Prof. Dr. Harald Szeemann
Art historian and director at Documenta (1972), Biennale de Lyon (1997), Biennale di Venezia (1999 and 2001)
Consultant to the art open art exhibition

Kunsträtsel gelöst
art formula
Pages: 430
“The formula of Leonardo da Vinci of today, is the revolution in the history of art. By using a picture Liedtke wants to visualize in a pure and direct way the creativity pushes in order to make them understandable. His formula: Life + Cognition Expansion = Art is the condensate of his research and work which he explained in many of his publications: The cognition of the matter (1982), The fourth dimension (1987), The key to art (1990)”
Prof. Dr. Harald Szeemann 1999
Art historian and director at Documenta (1972), Biennale de Lyon (1997), Biennale di Venezia (1999 and 2001)
Consultant to the art open art exhibition

- The basis of the universe -
Pages: 344 / Photos: 142
"Liedtke modifies and breaks the limits of known theories. His new scientific theories are a condition and the product of their own activities. One could imagine evolutionary achievement, which, once invented and introduced, makes itself possible."
Prof. Niklas Luhmann
Social Scientist and Social Theorist
Consultant of the Codigo Universo exhibition art open

Der da Vinci - Liedtke Code
Exposition: Código Universo - Research through Art
Pages: 428
"In his own artistic work Dieter Liedtke, the contemporary Leonardo da Vinci, has created this striving towards an expanded consciousness. The way from the second into the fourth dimension, the white genes. On a cliff in Andratx on Majorca, he realized his architectural vision in a building that respects the Majorcan landscape. This also houses the museum."
Prof. Dr. Harald Szeemann 1999
Art historian and director at Documenta (1972), Biennale de Lyon (1997), Biennale di Venezia (1999 and 2001)
Consultant to the art open art exhibition

art open Código Universo
- The evolution of Art -
(Catalog world art exhibition)
Pages: 440
"The artformula as the center point of the exhibition art open fascinates not only artexperts but contains as well highly valuable informations for Natur historians."
Prof. Dr. Friedemann Schrenk
Director of the Senckenberg Research Institute
Professor of Paleobiology of vertebrates at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt
In preparation

art open Código Universo
- The Theory of Everything -
Pages: 420
"In fact, Dieter W. Liedtke's works, which reflect his vision of art as creating abstractions, are in some way similar to the sketches and models by Leonardo da Vinci, as they recorded and represented real and important scientific findings at a time when the respective scientific disciplines were still far from them."
Dr. Jost-Hof
Cultural and communication scientist in an expertise on Dieter Walter Liedtke's works (2005) in the book World Formula (2007)
In preparation

art formula Encyclopedia
- The Evolution of Art -
Pages: 400
"Based on the method of conducting scientific research by means of art and philosophy, lost since the renaissance, Liedtke is the first artist after almost 5 centuries to once more achieve art and research results of the highest quality."
Dr. Thomas Föhl
Art historian and Member of the Board of the Weimar Classic Foundation Lender of a painting by Peter Paul Rubens for the art exhibition art open in 1999 in Essen
In preparation

Forschen durch Kunst
- Catalog DE, EN, ES -
Pages: 404
In preparation

Forschen durch Kunst
- Pictures and Theory -
Pages: 304
"Dieter Walter Liedtke's Concrete Evolutionism opens up a new revolutionary world to the viewer. It shows how matter, which until now was only the object and medium of artistic representation, could perceive its surroundings. This information has a consciousness-expanding function."
Prof. Karl Ruhrberg
Director of the Museum Ludwig (Cologne)
President of the International Association of Art Critics (German section AICA)

- The proofs of God -
Pages: 236
"Dieter Liedtke's formula is an evolutionary achievement. Once invented and introduced, it enables itself."
Prof. Niklas Luhmann
Social Scientist and Social Theorist

- The principle of the Creator -
Pages: 784 / Photos: 248
"Dieter Liedtke's insights and works of art require the construction of an observer, namely God, for whom time as the totality of all points in time is present."
Prof. Niklas Luhmann
Social Scientist and Social Theorist
Consultant of the Código Universo exhibition art open

Código Universo
- ABC Seminars -
Pages: 676
"Today, access to creativity is only possible via images, because it is image sequences that the human mind works with. The archetype of every vision of the future is the vision, the dream, the connection of non-existing realities. The path from the future to the present is only possible by using the visual language of art. It makes people visionary, enabling them to experience the processes so far unnoticed and understand them. To trigger this potential in people who have no special equipment for it, the Art Formula is kept simple in terms of optical visibility: it is based on the evolution of innovations..."
Prof. Dr. Harald Szeemann 1999
Art historian and director at Documenta (1972), Biennale de Lyon (1997), Biennale di Venezia (1999 and 2001)
Consultant to the art open art exhibition

- The design of the Peace -
Pages: 126 / Photos: 34
"We examined the concept of the artopen very carefully and noticed that the artformula of D. W. Liedtke can also be applied to music and history. We share his future-inspiring opinion that the 4th dimension, the approach of understanding art and music, will be entered through the artformula in connection with the multimedia exhibition artopen by all the people. Only if everybody uses and trains his creative possibilities we are going to be able to solve the problems of the future“"
Prof. Dr. Franz Müller-Heuser
President of the german board of music
Vice-president of the international board of music being located at UNESCO in Paris

Kains Umkehr
- The ethical capitalism - Globalpeace
Pages: 342 / Photos: 107
"The positive energy of the inventor artist and Leonardo da Vinci of contemporary art, Dieter Liedtke, can be experienced by every exhibition visitor through the works. His works, theories and concepts are revolutionary, infectious and show art and science new ways to a humane society."
Prof. Dr. Harald Szeemann
Art historian and director at Documenta (1972), Biennale de Lyon (1997), Biennale di Venezia (1999 and 2001)
Consultant to the art open art exhibition

- 3 VIP Projects -
Pages: 236 / Photos: 70
"I hope that your innovative approach will contribute to a more extensive direct experience with art for many people. I think that in our time is a partculary important and noble task"
Michail Gorbatschow
Nobel Peace prize winner & patron of the art open

- Ethic sponsoring -
Pages: 430
In preparation

- Cell rejuvenation -
Pages: 144 / Photos: 38
"The hereby enabled targeted intervention and rapid bio-cultural evolution would probably by far overshadow all current possibilities of cloning. Closely examined the art formula of the art open “Life + expansion of consciousness = art” maybe even describes a theoretical concept for the bio-cultural evolution of humankind."
Prof. Dr. Friedemann Schrenk
Director of the Senckenberg Research Institute
Professor of Paleobiology of vertebrates at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt

Eternal life through information
Pages: 352 / Photos: 150
"Briefly after their creation, his advanced findings were documented in his works of art, books and exhibitions. New facts confirming Liedtke‘s findings, independently of his art and studies, are regularly discovered years after by prominent researchers in various areas of science. In 2000 the neurobiologist Eric Kandel received the Nobel Prize for medicine; his findings were anticipated in Dieter W. Liedtke‘s works of art 20 years ago and documented in the book The consciousness of the substance (1982)‘. In 2006 the researchers Andrew Fire and Craig Mello received Nobel Prize for their discovery in 1998 of how information regulates genes thus confirming Dieter W. Liedtke‘s works of the 80's: genes and gene programs can be switched on and off."
Dr. Thomas Föhl
Art historian of Weimar Classics Foundation
Member of the “Direktoriums“